Sunday, September 9, 2012

What the World Needs.

Confession: I'm slightly burned out right now. I am tired and lack inspiration. 

We all go through these phases. If we lived in a constant high la vida would get extremely dull, no? I think its important during the low (or maybe just stagnant) times to remember the things we are thankful for. Today I am grateful for the gift of having the world opened up to me. It has made me view life in such a bigger, more beautiful way. It has also exposed me to it's problems, which have inspired me to live with purpose. Through my experiences I have become more open minded, understanding and compassionate. Most importantly, I have learned that life is a gift. 

If you are as blessed as me to have a place to call home and people who support you, don't waste what you have been given. Do what you love, laugh often and give back. Open yourself to new experiences, be quick to forgive, share your passions and travel when you can. Not everyone was meant to dedicate their life to saving the world, but by following your dreams you make more of a difference and than you think. People who live a life they love are pretty great at spreading joy. 

I'll leave you with some pictures of my trip to Bogota. It was full of catching up with old friends, walking in parks, dancing and eating at delicious restaurants every night. I also made a visit to a city orphanage. By law I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the children, but I did include a shot of our charming little tour guide taking a picture of me through the window. 

Love. -K

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