Sunday, August 19, 2012

Texas Summer

 Don’t hold this against me… but my blog posts as of late might have been misleading in the fact that I just arrived from Africa. I was indeed on the beautiful continent for nearly a month, but since then have been catching up with work, family and friends. Not to mention taking a much needed vacation in Latin America, which I will share with you soon!

Blogging deemed impossible in South Sudan given the fact I was working in such remote locations the majority of my time. I did, however, draft my posts offline. The same posts you have been reading the past few weeks.

I am now settled back home for the time being, enjoying what is left of my Texas summer. I’m happy to be back in the swing of everyday life, but the heat has made me want to hop on a plane headed anywhere cooler than 100 degrees.

Fortunately this weekend we were granted some relief with a summer storm. One of my favorite things about Texas!
 Mas to come!  -K

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